Stamp collectors and stamp enthusiasts will be excited to explore the centerpiece of this specialty museum - an impressively huge collection of more than 330,000 postage stamps from around the world, carefully arranged in hundreds of vertical display drawers by country and continent.
The rest of the exhibits are pleasantly diverting enough for a 15-minute visit - you can trace the evolution of letter boxes, postal scales, mail-carrier uniforms and mail sacks through the ages. There are miniature models of mail trucks, and you can compare different incarnations of the chipmunk mascot of the Japanese postal savings system and inspect historical posters for the Japanese postal insurance system.
One corner is devoted to historic telephone and telegraph equipment, and another room focuses on the long-vanished practice of letter-writing. Younger visitors may enjoy creating custom-made postcards or riding a postal-motorbike simulator. The museum shop sells postcards, stamps, and tea canisters in the shape of miniature Japanese mailboxes.