Osaka Shinsaibashi: Cat cafe
Gurugurudo: Osaka Shinsaibashi
Osaka Shinsaibashi / Cat cafe
Open 11am-10pm. Closed Mondays.
The cover charge is Y1080 for the first hour.
Average visit time: 60 minutes

This Shinsaibashi cafe has ten resident cats of various breeds as well as some exotic "guest" cats. Located inside an older office building, the decor here somehow evokes the feel of a Thai restaurant, with its dark wood floors and rattan furnishings.

The menu offers cake, coffee, tea and chai as well as cocktails and Singha beer.

See more photos and details at Animal

Nishi-Shinsaibashi 2-4-6, Hanagetsu Dai-ichi Bldg 4F.
大阪心斎橋西心斎橋2-4-6 花月第一ビル4F
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